Company Type Public Limited Company
Company Status Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) licensed under SECP to carry out Asset Management Company and Investment Advisory services under the NBFC (Establishment & Regulations) Rules 2003.
Company Registration Number 0022476
Company National Tax Number 0698180-1
Company Rating  AM-3
Business Areas Mutual Funds, Saving Funds, Wealth Management
Regulators Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (
Registered Office Address G3, Ground Floor, BRR tower, Hassan Ali Street, Off I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi. You can get more information about the sizzling 777 slots free online.
  • Mutual Fund Association of Pakistan
  • Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry
AMC License # SCD/AMCW/38/786IL/AMS/04/2022 Dated May 12, 2022
Symbol of the Company The Company is listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited (
Symbol: 786
Auditor of the Company JASB & Associates Chartered Accountants
Auditor of the Funds Reanda Haroon Zakaria & Company
Name and address of share Registrar F.D. Registrar Services (SMC-Pvt.) Limited 1705, 17th Floor, Saima Trade Tower – A I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi.
Free Float of shares of the Company 4,410,820 Shares
Financial Highlights Please refer to the annual reports and interim reports at our website.
Shareholders Number of shares* (%)
First Dawood Investment Bank Limited 2,246,070 15%
The Bank of Khyber 2,246,055 15%
B.R.R. Guardian Modaraba 1,935,505 13%
Tara Uzra Dawood-Chief Executive Officer 1,768,458 12%
Corporate entities 2,221,070 15%
Others 4,556,592 30%
Total 14,973,750 100%

* Par value is Rs. 10/- per share